Coming Soon
Time & Location
Coming Soon
Members take turns leading our tours. We try to keep tours out of congested areas and off of freeways. Most tours are on quiet back roads that tend to be scenic with curves and hills. Tours can be from as few as 3-4 car to as many as 18 -20 cars. Most tours start about 10:00am and end about 3 or 4:00pm, depending on destination. Most often there are rest stops and a lunch stop along the way. A number of our members have CB radios in their cars. We use the CBs during tours to help keep the larger tours together. Our "normal" channel is channel 14. CB's are not required however they can be helpful. It does not have to be an expensive unit. I have 2, one cost $5.00 from e-bay and the other is a $40.00 unit. While on tour, breakdowns do occur, a tour will not leave you stranded. Many members carry parts and tools for roadside repairs. It would be wise to subscribe to a towing service such as AAA. A couple of members have trailers and depending on circumstances would be able to trailer you home. Tours usually start at the Starbucks Store near South Center 333 Strander Blvd, Tukwila. A secondary meeting place if the tour goes north is the rest stop at Smokey Point (north of Marysville). On occasion tours will start at another location if the tour warrants it, if so the meeting place will be published in the magazine and on the web page.